Thursday, February 6, 2020

X-Wing and Legion event prep...

After getting in a few practice games with the lists I have for the Store Championships I have to say that they are…  Interesting.  Learning the ins and outs of the lists.  For instance, Fenn Rau is still an absolute demon when he gets rolling…  But he is always just one bad Agility roll from dying.  More or less the same for Laetin…  Sort of.  Laetin is annoyingly difficult to remove from the table while his Greens hold, but like Fenn he is almost always a single roll from dying.  Well, to be fair both USUALLY take 2 solid hits to be removed, but one is enough to put them out of the fight.  Fast enough to break and run…  Usually.  Sometimes it is a Swarm or the other player guesses correctly where I am trying to run them and…  Well J… Boba is solid, and CAN take a few hits, no matter what is hitting him.  And with the 2 x 90 Arcs I find I am seldom completely without a shot unless I am dodging really hard.  So, seems like a “fun” list and might actually do well.

Other one I have is the Dual Firesprays…  Emon is surprisingly good as a bomber with the Andrasta title.  Boba is…  Well, Boba.  Yes, probably my favorite ship to fly in both editions.  This one is different than the previous edition but I think actually far better.  The ship became a pretty decent knife fighter and suits my play style well.  And in my test games there are a LOT of things that SUPER do not want to see a bomber throwing Proton Bombs…  Fangs and TIEs being two, but fragile Ace types in general…  And without “Lone Wolf” I have no need to keep Boba separated and they can support each other quite well.  Not sure which one I will actually fly when the event hits in a few weeks…

Finding that I REALLY like the Hyperspace restrictions overall.  Yes, I lost “my” Ace in Anakin Skywalker (in his Aethersprite), but I also do not have to deal with a lot of the silly combos that can arise when there are no restrictions.  Just one of them being the delta between my 3 ship list’s Extended and Hyperspace form.  Extended I have “Marksmanship” on Laetin which allows you to just convert a Hit to a Critical if you are shooting in the Bullseye Arc.  Combines with the Autoblaster REALLY well because I am already rolling an additional Dice if I have Bullseye.  And if I am not in their forward firing arc, they cannot didge the Criticals.  Really amusing against the A-Wings…  Well, the Resistance A’s, I suppose technically the Rebels do also have them, just that the Rebel ones are ludicrously bad when you compare them to the Resistance ones.  Kind of a shame as they were sort of iconic “Rebel” ships.  Just not worth fielding except perhaps for the 2 named ones that have niche applications…  But in any case the Resistance A-Wing technically has NO forward firing Arc, so the Autoblaster is always pushing Criticals without the possibility of the Agility to save them.  Mind, the other side of that lack of a Firing Arc being that the Fang loses its “Concordia Faceoff” ability.  Fenn still rolls the additional Dice, but the free convert one to an Evade is quite nice…  But overall, the curated content in Hyperspace is making the game quite interesting for me at least.

Legion I have the new Clone attachments assembled and primed.  So I can field them at least without feeling TOO bad…  They’ll at least be the standard white armor the lads all wear.  As I am reading the cards and building my forces I am leaning heavily toward CPT Rex and 3 Squads of the lads supported by the BARC.  Gives me 2 rocket launchers and 2 other heavy weapon options to throw out fire.  The Clones with their “Fire Support” and token sharing abilities are actually surprisingly strong.  If and only if I can keep them close enough to support each other.  The Attachments are looking good as additional options, we’ll see how they fare on the table I suppose.  I STRONGLY suspect until the Tank hits they are simply outclassed at the 800 point level, but I am only playing 500 point events at this point now, so…

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