The small Assault squad I had parked doing AA duty got killed by Necron Lords on their super chariots... Need to protect them better, or at least have 2 bloody squads there. He wound up killing my gun later before I could re-man it. So, keeping that in mind for the future... The strategy of deploying the Aegis line and the other terrain... Must keep the AAA near the center or I give up a big portion of the board letting the fliers on... Balancing act, and still getting the hang of it. The TLAC on a Razorback is "eh", it actually damaged 2 fliers before being destroyed, claiming a weapon and a few hull points... But I do not think this will be sufficient AA coverage for my army. Doing the Wehrmacht thing, and closing with the enemy, avoiding fliers as best I can, but a patient opponent will understand what I am doing and flow away from me... Well, if they can :-) I like my Jump Troops...
What I fielded last night:
CPT Sariel (Tycho)
Death Company (5, Jump Packs, 2 Power Axes)
Scout Squad (10, 9 Snipers, 1 Heavy Bolter)
Sanguinary Priests (2, 1 Terminator, 1 Jump Pack)
Assault Squad (10, Melta, Flamer, SGT w/ Power Weapon)
Sternguard (7, Heavy Flamer, 6 Combi Melta, Drop Pod)
Baal Predator (HB Sponsons, TLAC or Flamer?)
Dev Squad (3 Heavy Bolters, Missile Launcher?)
Land Speeder or Attack Bike?
Aegis Line w/ Quad gun...
And it is more or less I think what I will field for Saturday. The Attack bike with MM was what I ended up using, the Dev Squad with 2 Heavy Bolters and 2 ML... Was "eh", but facing a fully meched up Necron force with AV 13 or in the fliers? Not sure anything would have been better. Though putting them near/in the Aegis line might be better... So, a few things I NEED to finish painting for Saturday, but overall, I have a large, Infantry based Fleshtearers army ready. Oh, yeah, I have to actually build a WYSIWYG Terminator Medic... I have all the pieces around I think with my Deathwing force I inherited a few years ago... So, a project to finish before Saturday...