Gopher tournament AAR…
Special thanks to Dave for letting us take over his store for the
Well, had 10 people show up, so pretty good turn out for a
holiday weekend. Simple enough 3 round
event, loads of new folks, but most had played STAW or a bit of X-Wing… Loads of random prizes to go around like
Target Locks, Ion Tokens and alternate art cards… First event with the Imperial Veterans out
and FFG released a FAQ yesterday so there were a few changes…
Winning build was Allan’s VT-49 (Admiral/Emperor)/Whisper
(Recon, VI, Adv Cloak, Adv Sensors)…
Solid one. Pretty powerful for a limited field.
Game one was against Bryce, he flew a S&V Boba Fett,
Y-Wing and Z-95… Z died quickly, then I
chased down the Firespray and then the Y…
Was a learning experience for him, first event, and he did not do too
bad… The TIE Defenders are just a lot better
than the older ships that are not kitted out with good equipment…
Game two was against Alllan’s squadron J… Wound up bumping Omega Leader into his VT-49
and that was that… 5 hits and a bad
Agility roll meant I was down a ship from the beginning… The Emperor’s ability is REALLY powerful but
it came down to the 2 ships of his hitting hard enough to wear through the
Defenders… I was pretty happy how my
ships actually flew, forgot about the Stealth Device on the Countess’ ship of course,
might have made a big difference… And of
course flying the FO too aggressively, it is an end game ship, hard to kill
late in the game, not a first striker/jouster…
Third game against Ken…
He had the Falcon with Chewie, a naked Y-Wing and Poe’s T-70… Not bad, it went on for quite a while until I
crashed my Defenders into Range 1 of the YT-1300… The Countess had been chasing it for a bit,
chewing into the shields a bit and into the Hull… The 2 Defenders hitting together killed it
quickly… Poe lost shields to Omega
Leader and then the Defenders closed for the kill… The Y was last, but it too fell…
Have to say, the Countess’ ability was HUGE. Maneuverability being key. Steele’s hit twice, but only once was it
actually important… Not sure I’ll stick
with him. Was OK, but not really THAT
good… Will see what else might fit… But they are really fun ships to fly…