Wednesday, June 21, 2017

SC #2 options (X-Wing)

Feeling like I am just being stubborn sticking with the Firesprays.  Got in a few more test games and I THINK I know what I’ll be doing should I go with this option for the Champaign Titan SC…

The first one that is close to what I have been flying recently is:
BobaKath (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Seismic Charges
Extra Munitions
Long-Range Scanners
Slave I
Ship Total: 48

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Heavy Laser Cannon
Ship Total: 52

Kath is pretty well fixed.  Accurate as Hell, I just need to maintain discipline and go slow with her.  Fett on the other hand is much more of a brawler with that setup.  Tactician in the Crew slot.  Not sure about the second Bomb.  J  The Bomblet Generator in the upcoming H-6 Scurrg will be a perfect fit but it is coming out in the next wave.

Next up is a bit different:
BobaKath (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Expert Handling
Seismic Charges
Inspiring Recruit
Seismic Charges
Ship Total: 48

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Heavy Laser Cannon
Long-Range Scanners
Slave I
Ship Total: 52

Kath really just gets the Long Range Scanners to pick up the TL early in the game.  Fett with Expert Handling allows me to Barrel Roll with the Firespray and it can shed a Target Lock.  Not sure about the Inspiring Recruit and extra Bomb…  Might go K-4 for the TL with a Green…  Or even better Countermeasures…  For that one golden turn where I could roll in, have 3 Agility and Focus Conversion with Rerolls…  So, I could run right at something and trust that I could survive the encounter hoping to do a LOT of damage on the way through.  Might try that…

Otherwise I can go with something completely different like:

Dengar Fenn (100)
Dengar — JumpMaster 5000
Push the Limit
Extra Munitions
Proton Torpedoes
K4 Security Droid
Unhinged Astromech
Engine Upgrade
Punishing One
Ship Total: 64

Fenn Rau — Protectorate Starfighter
Push the Limit
Seismic Torpedo
Concord Dawn Protector
Ship Total: 36

SO many points just thrown onto Dengar…  But with the alternative being another cheap ship that seems like throwing MOV away…  So, 2 PTL aces at PS 9 to Arc dodge.  Since I expect to see a LOT of high PS Imperials locally this might not be bad… Maybe drop the Protons to get a good Initiative Bid since PS 9 seems to be the thing I see a LOT...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

SC #1 AAR (X-Wing)

So, SC 1 is done…  Titan Games in Peoria hosted the event.  We did NOT actually play in the store though.  We took over with our 24 players a basement conference room/classroom.  I played a slightly modified version of the Firesprays list I have been testing the last few months:

BobaKath (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Seismic Charges
Extra Munitions
Long-Range Scanners
Slave I
Ship Total: 47

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Heavy Laser Cannon
Black Market Slicer Tools
Ship Total: 53

Game one I played against an Imperial list with Col Vessery in his TIE Defender, Countess Ryad in her TIE Defender and Omega Leader in the TIE /fo.  Standard load outs.  Essentially, I set the board up with the Asteroids in a line at Range 2 from my board edge and then another line to my right, also at Range 2.  Flew straight up that flank and baited him into the Asteroid Field.  Broke up his formation and allowed me to focus fire into Omega Leader to remove him.  THAT ship is the most annoying one for me to face, so I want it dead quickly.  Once that died, I was able to deal with the Defenders.  The Firesprays are actually quite a good match for the Tie Defenders and so it was a pretty quick cleanup.
Game two was Asajj and 2 TLT Y-Wings…  Close loss.  I was able to erase one of the Y-Wings and Asajj eventually, but that combo of the Tractor Beam, Stress and the 2 TLTs is really hard for a 2 Agility ship to survive.  Still, good game and a lot of fun was had by both sides I think….  Oh, and it turns out he was actually a Student in the Department I happen to work in at the University…  Small world.
Game 3 was vs Brobots.  Certainly my least enjoyable game.  The guy I played against just had the coldest dice I’d seen…  Well, ever really.  I had the PS advantage and I specifically built my list to maximize accuracy, so getting 4 Hits each time was…  Well, expected frankly.  What was NOT expected was him blanking out on all three rolls.  So, his Evade tokens mitigated slightly, but it was still pretty brutal.    But it was not actually my fault.  The guy spent the whole game complaining about it, but fortunately it was a VERY quick game.  Turns out the Firesprays are ALSO a really good counter for the Brobots.  So, bad game even though it was a 100-0 win for me.

Game 4: 3 A-Wings and Jess.  One of the Bloomington crew, it was a LOT of fun playing him. Nick I think?  In any case, the number of times I played this exact list against Tony really helped.  It was brutal, and since I am convinced that this list is a hard counter to my list…  Well, I did not expect to do well, and I was surprised how much of his stuff I eventually killed…  Still lost of course, but a good game.
Game 5: Will’s Fenn, Teroch and Manaroo…  Playing a tough list flown by one of the best players in the world..  Sounds like fun J…  And it really was.  Will and I have had a few games, and while he is really good, he is really relaxed and makes the game fun.  Was surprisingly close.  He used his Rigged Cargo Chute at exactly the right time and I did not dial in Greens to clear the instant Stress…  Made Kath a LOT less accurate…  By then Kath erased Teroch (Well, Fett helped), but without the automagic conversions Kath is a lot less intimidating.  So Fenn would hunt her down eventually.  I forgot about the 4-LOM at one critical moment when I had Fenn at Range 1…  Without his Focus it would have been 3 Hits and not one going through…  Still, I think it was a really good game that could have actually gone my way with a few things going the other way…  But an excellent way to end the day.  Oh, and I won a Kihrixz!

Probably going to run my S&V Aces in 2 weeks at the Champaign Titan SC…
FennCobraNDru (100)
Fenn Rau — Protectorate Starfighter
Attanni Mindlink
Proton Torpedoes
Concord Dawn Protector
Ship Total: 36

N'Dru Suhlak — Z-95 Headhunter
Attanni Mindlink
Cluster Missiles
Scavenger Crane
Guidance Chips
Ship Total: 24

Talonbane Cobra — Kihraxz Fighter
Attanni Mindlink
Homing Missiles
Cloaking Device
Engine Upgrade
Ship Total: 40

When the “Hired Guns” expansion hits this list gets SO much better.  The Title for the Kihraxz is insanely good…  Well, for me J…  Being an Engineer, I like the ability to add things and since the biggest weakness was the lack of reposition and therefore the Autothrusters…  Getting AT now, cheaper?  Yes please…  But not here now and likely not going to be out in time for this season…  Still, Scottish and stubborn, so I am going to give it a go…

Thursday, June 8, 2017

IT Insurrection and X-Wing SC #1

IT Insurrection

So, doing some “IT stuff” and finding my background in RPGs, Video gaming and tabletop gaming is coming in REALLY handy.  Turns out, I am good at the whole “politics” thing…  I just strongly dislike doing it.  Kind of the whole thing about figuring out what the rules are, who is in charge of what and how to get around all of that part…  Actually, I think it is the fact that this sort of thing is NECESSARY annoys me more than anything else does.  Wasting a few years of work doing what was necessary only to have it all evaporate for lack of funding/direction/whatever.  What we were TRYING to do was add in automation in order to actually do our jobs, the whole “do more with less” thing that happens when say, the State has no budget for 3 years and we still have to make things work in spite of that.  In any case, it appears that things are falling into place and it might even work out.  I guess we will see.  Hoping that this time it does not get me into trouble for “exceeding my authority”, but honestly, I am somewhat OK with that…  Something I know we need, so I will help make it happen.  Moreover, since I have actually gotten other job offers outside of the University system now I am not feeling quite so locked into the system.  ALMOST to the point where I CAN actually “retire” and keep my medical benefits…  NOT really wanting to leave the University, but since there are not opportunities to advance here it might be the next step for my career.  In a few years probably.  Ideally, after the girls make it through College of course, but that is 8 more years… 

X-Wing, I have my first Store Championship of the year this weekend.  Going to Titan Games in Peoria…  The event starts at 9:30, so it will be an EARLY morning for me and  LONG day I guess, but should be a lot of fun I hope.  I’m flying my Firesprays:

BobaKath (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Concussion Missiles
Guidance Chips
Ship Total: 47

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Heavy Laser Cannon
Black Market Slicer Tools
Ship Total: 53

Not 100% sure about the Missiles still, but looking like this is how I will play it out.  Kath NEEDS to be flown a lot more conservatively going slow and keeping the range for the fully modified HLC shots until she does the burst forward and goes for the Rear Arc shots…  You know, if it all goes according to plan.  Fett is just a brawler.  Roll in, hit hard and fast, hope to take down more points before he dies.  A fair number of things that are hard counters to this list like Tyler’s Worlds list, but even that…  I am hoping that he will at least know he was in a fight J…   Working out the basic opening moves then getting into the scrum…  X-Wing being a dice game after all, it does eventually come down to actual dice rolling…

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

First X-Wing SC this weekend...

Mkay,  so after a fair bit of thought on the results of my various games that I have played with the Firesprays I’ve come to the conclusion that Phil over in the UK (seen here at his own blog) had the build that works the best.  So, I’ve come to the conclusion that this build:

BobaKath (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Concussion Missiles
Guidance Chips
Ship Total: 47

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Heavy Laser Cannon
Black Market Slicer Tools
Ship Total: 53

Will be where I start for this season.  Kath with the EU made her fast and she tended to get in close and die.  Fett was solid, but with all the upgrades there were so many times that I simply did not use a lot of them.  The Homing Missile with 4-LOM made for an interesting Ace killer.  But the main Ace I faced was Fenn Rau…  Not quite so useful, and frankly I can count on one hand the number of times that I actually used both Missiles.  Same for the Seismic Charges…  Occasionally useful, but really not something I used enough.  Losing the HLC got me a bunch of other upgrades, but…  I think playing Kath slowly and keeping her back at range and ALWAYS taking the Evade action is the smart way to play her.  Fett moves in and brawls.  Glitterstem swaps in for the Extra Munitions and makes him VERY survivable…  For one turn.  The Toby Keith song “As Good as I Once Was” where there is the line about “I might not be as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was”…  Picturing an older Fett talking about it, and being…  A bit older now myself, I understand it very well J… 

The one thing I am still on the fence about is Fearlessness vs. VI for Fett.  PS 10 puts me above the slew of PS 9 things that I am going to see…  Imperials have a LOT of things that hit in that area.  Not just Whisper and Fel these days, there are a number of builds with the TIE /sf pilots like Quickdraw and Backdraft.  OTOH, Fearlessness for the +1 result?  My general inclination is to stick with the philosophy of “The Best Defense is a Solid Offence”…  Ironic as I played Safety in (American) Football and Defenseman in Hockey…  But getting in as a brawler and just threatening the potential 5 Dice attack with re-rolls and for the one GS turn, free conversions makes for a really aggressive and dangerous ship.

I was thinking the S&V Aces list, but with the announcement of the “Hired Guns” set and the title making the Kihraxz AMAZING it kind of fell back a bit for me.  Still on the back burner for me and I bet by the end of the SC run I’ll swap to it.  I always felt Cobrabane was good, just missing ONE thing on the card to be a really good ship.  The Title fixes that and a LOT more.  Making ALL upgrades 1 point cheaper might well be too good…  Mindlink being FREE?  3 Modifications?  EU and AT for 4 points total if you are making a dogfighter…  My current Cobrabane comes in at 40 points (Mindlink, Homing Missile, Cloak, EU), and with the new Title it goes to 36 points and gains AT and Guidance Chips…  Probably swap the Cloak out for something else like the Scavenger Crane or the like… But in any case, it gets amazing… 

Monday, May 29, 2017

X-Wing League AAR, what to change for SCs?

Mkay, played in the League with the Firesprays and…  Well, true to form the local meta had almost nothing in common with the rest of the world.  SO many Imperials after almost none in the last one.  The TIE SF has certainly come into its own with 3 Shields, 3 Hull and effectively 3 Agility…  Omega Leader is insanely good against my list especially…  Turns out that a LOT of the things in my list are things that got lumped in the FAQ as things that you cannot do against Omega Leader like adding dice for Fearlessness or rerolls and Focus conversion….  That was game one for me…  Mind, the player was one of the Bloomington crew and a really good player and a lot of fun to play against, so it was a fun game…  But not a successful one for me.  I got in a good shot on Quickdraw, almost took it out, but not quite…  Then Omega Leader went to work.  Kath was pretty much helpless against that ship the way I have her kitted out.  Fett did better, but those TIE /SFs are really pretty tough little ships.  Game 2 was against Chris’ S&V jank list.  The Tug kitted out with a Proton Bomb so it could throw bombs out the front if it goes backwards was pretty interesting, but it dies pretty quick when I decided to kill it.  Ventress in the Lancer was good, but the Firesprays are actually pretty decent against that ship.  N’Dru with the Cluster missiles…  Well, he rolled the 2 evades to avoid the Homing Missile taking out out…  Hurt Kath as they are the same PS.  Ended up that way as Fett was undamaged and Kath was below half.  Game 3 was against Allan’s Imperial list.  The hardest thing was the absurdly huge Upsilon Shuttle…  I kept bumping it, not expecting it to be almost a foot off the table J…  I erased his TIE Striker then the shuttle but he had Fel who was able to get Fett on a PS kill as we lined up for the final Joust with only a few Hull each…

What to change?  Not sure…  I am considering replacing Fearlessness with VI on Fett…  PS 10 just to get above the 9’s I was seeing.  The Homing Missiles might go to Concussion Missiles and give me a point to throw on Kath for Inertial Dampers or Cargo Chute…  Just not seeing enough of the Aces relying on the Evade/Focus that the Homing Missile hits hard against… Dunno, I felt I flew fairly well and was never totally outclassed...

Plus side, I got my ancient Silverwing back on the road and got in another test ride tonight as I tweak the minor things on it like adjusting the brakes, etc...  Great ancient bike and a lot of fun to ride...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Titan X-Wing League this weekend and Store Championships coming up...

Not sure how many of the Store Championships I will go to…  Bloomington for sure on 29 July, Titan in Champaign for sure as it is my local one.  Probably Springfield as well as Nick got me started in the game.  So, 3 or 4 of them.  At least one I will have to fly my S&V Aces list.  Signed up for the Peoria one on 10 June, so I will be going to 3 of them…  I hope.  Champaign still has not set their date and I REALLY hope they are not in conflict with the other Titan store (Peoria) or the wedding I have to go to on 3 June…  But we’ll see I guess.  Tentatively down for the 3…

Gearing up to fly in the League this weekend and trying out the latest iteration of my Firespray list. 

BobaKath2 (100)
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31
Seismic Charges
Homing Missiles
Burnout SLAM
Extra Munitions
Guidance Chips
Slave I
Ship Total: 51

Kath Scarlet (Scum) — Firespray-31
Engine Upgrade
Ship Total: 49

SO many upgrades on Fett’s Firespray…  Kind of going for the “Swiss Army Knife” approach with Fearlessness for the Range 1 terror, Homing Missiles/Guidance Chips/4-LOM for the Ace hunting and the Burnout Slam to GTFO when things are looking bad.  The Bombs seem like they are useful, and this fits thematically with the movie version of the ship when they were hunting Obi Wan Kenobi’s fighter.  I had to get rid of the HLC on Kath’s ship, but to be honest it was 7 points for a shot, maybe 2.  Ideally I want to have them chase her so she can get the 5 Dice attacks with modification.  The Engine Upgrade is WAY more useful to me overall I think as it is kind of hard to keep things in the arcs without repositioning of some sort.
Will see how this list does in the League to see if it is what I bring to the SC events…  I suspect at least one I will.  Is a more “fun” list, and frankly a bit more durable than my S&V Ace list.  Guessing what I will face with the Ace list I am fairly confident it will surprise a few folks, but it depends on Green Dice which are notoriously fickle…  When they roll average or better it does REALLY well.  If not?  Well, it is a short game J