Tuesday, May 17, 2011

:-) Tired...

Yeah, not a lot to post at the moment...  Or rather not a lot of energy to post at the moment.  New job has me running around a LOT...   Lifted tonight, worked a bit on the bike and some ancient rifles (1916 Lee-Enfield, my first rifle in my collection...)....  But overall, just exhausted I think...

 Did get in the first game of our tournament last evening against a Grey Knight/Wolf team with our Deathwing/Wolf Terminator force...  Went 7 turns and we drew...  I think I screwed up forgetting just HOW much firepower GK termis throw downrange...  Should have cost us the game, but we ended up doing OK...  The Paladins were impressive and I will definitely be fielding a unit of them I think...  The Deathwing held out a LOT longer than expected on the one objective, and I think it illustrates just how much trouble GK termis will end up having against the TH/SS Terminator squads out there.  One area the vanilla Marines come out WAY ahead in the codex I think.  And our Rune Priest was able to block a LOT of the GK powers over the course of the game...  Points out the glaring weakness some forces that lack a psychic defense of any kind will have to overcome...  I think it hurts my Deathwing more than most, though clearly not nearly so much as Chaos/IG/BT armies that have NO defense option really...

:-)  Yeah, kind of brain dead here...  More later...

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