Thursday, May 26, 2011

May Ends…

So, May is coming to an end… New job, new bike, maybe I'll get to ride it to work soon… The 40K league ended, I have a few weeks to figure out what I'm playing next… Got a bit of painting done tonight, but it was just a few parts of random pieces like a Techmarine and Tech Priest Engineers… I might be able to throw together a weird IG list to field, but I definitely want the army to fit into the cargo rack/luggage of the bike, so that is a bit of a limit… Deathwing seems an obvious one since no matter what I have a very small force, but there are certain armies I simply cannot deal with… And it does get a bit boring playing the same thing all the time, so I guess I'll see where my painting takes me… Sad, but recently I have been painting some of my Rackham "Wolfen" figures… Ancient figures from a dead game, but still among my favorite armies I played. Sadly, the first one I could actually say was "fully painted" since I left the GT "circuit" back in 3rd edition 40K… My Fleshtearers were really only "technically" painted to the 3 color minimum to get me into the tournament, so pretty basic stuff, nothing at all to get excited about. I'm getting better with some of the fur and shadow effects on the Wolfen, and since I used them as stand-in "Wolf Cavalry" when I tested that unit to conclude that they were every bit as broken and silly as they appeared to be on paper…


All in all, 40K is getting back to a somewhat frustrating point for me, and I think that a few weeks off will be a good thing for me. Not frustrating WRT the partners, they were great, the opponents by and large are fun to play against… There are a few minor exceptions, and my game does tend to get a LOT "sharper" against them to the point of simply destroying their armies with no regard for how fun the game is for either side. That does make it a less fun experience for me, but this is not the major factor I think… Really, I think the game itself is getting a bit stagnant for me. There are a small number of really good builds for most armies, and there are a small number of really powerful armies, or at least builds within those armies. IG might be a small exception to this as their book offers SO MANY cheap and powerful things that you can tweak some of the really powerful stuff a bit and still have a very much overpowered army hitting the table… Vets with BS 4, cheap melta and transports that can allow your whole squad (or at least the important ones) to move and shoot from inside the AV 12 box which itself has 2 decent heavy weapons? And the best skimmers in the game, probably… But even taking into consideration the really powerful builds like: IG Mech, DE Mech (Mike's stuff is REALLY powerful, to the point of I'm happy to just get a draw with my stuff… Usually he and I fight to a very bloody and close one, but his current list is really a good one) there is a very real limit on what gets played… Degenerating to almost a rock-paper-scissors sort of feel for me, making it fairly pointless to play and difficult to get excited about the prospect of a game… Maybe I'll break down and get some Malifaux stuff, but I am leery there… I don't want yet another dead game's miniatures haunting my basement shelves since I already have more than a few armies there… Chronopia, Confrontation, WFB, Battletech/Mechwarrior, the list goes on and on…


On the work silliness front, the State decided to drop our HMO… Should be fun, since it came out that the bidding was done without considering costs either to the State or to the people… Hint, both go up with the "winning bid", but somehow that was not considered in the bid process… Yes, makes my head hurt, usually corruption is not quite so obvious and public… And the winning bid won without those other legal requirements like actual coverage for all of the areas. So, as of now, we go from Health Alliance for the HMO to… Well, looks like we get our choice of crappy expensive coverage or… Well, that about sums it up at this point. Raises are at least a slight possibility, and with my move over to an actual IT department far more likely in the long term… But still, the work environment is getting worse all the time it seems, and I am not sure things are going to get better for a long time… On the plus side, I have a job, got promoted and things could be so much worse… :-) Remembering jobs where I lived in say, a desert, got shot at and stung by scorpions… But still it does seem like we as a University are sliding backwards a bit from year to year…


Motorcycle? Well, I fixed the tire, and have gotten one short ride in before the weather went to crap… That and RT 45 is pretty well torn up North of Tolono, and the "rough" pavement is really not fun to ride the bike on… Maybe I'm simply out of practice, but I'd prefer to avoid that if I can, thanks… So, some alternate routes will be researched and tested when I get back to being able to ride the Silverwing again…

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