Thursday, September 29, 2011

The speed of committee...

Ah, the U of I...  Everything important has to go through the layers of bureaucratic, PC, etc. silliness that have come to be entrenched as the Government of Illinois...  Hiring even Student help goes so slowly that it is painful.  This should be simple, but "This is Illinois...".  Permanent employees are a special joy and treat to try to force through the hoops.  We have the money, and the open slots...  But I'll bet they are still open this time next month.  Ah well, at least the ones I DO have already forced through are working out well...

So, gaming...  Land Raider Crusaders are insanely powerful...  I had no real idea how powerful, and as long as I remember to do everything with them, they are throwing out so much firepower that it gets overwhelming... And the squad of Deathwing rolling out of it will simply wipe whatever they hit, or at least tarpit it for the duration...  Still, for the team tournament the 3 squads of 'Wing will probably win us more games... Got some painting in last night, so I will very likely have it at least "painted" for mid October...

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