Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The "less often used" Eldar stuff actually did quite well last night...  Dark Reapers, if they can set up in say, a building and shoot at things not in cover can really take a toll on whatever they happen to be across the table from.  The Exarch with the Tempest Launcher and Crack Shot is amazing.  Re-rolling to wound and no cover save on an AP 3 weapon usually means just no saves for his 2 blast templates. Mind, they DID die horribly to HtH when the last few of a Homogaunt swarm hit them...  I do kind of miss the old Exarch with the good HtH weapon options as well, and I have to admit that for the point cost, making the Reaper Launchers either Assault Weapons or giving them a second (or third) shot type option would be REALLY nice in the next edition :-)...  Pathfinders did actually wipe out the last of the 'Gaunts in HtH to hold their objective, the Swooping Hawks survived due to there being no shooting so not sure it was a good test...  Still, jumping around and throwing out 16 STR 3 shots at 24" range, some of which can cause pinning from a small unit is nice...  Just not so sure they'll last against say, an IG army with AP 4 firepower to spare.  Scorpions killed the enemy Psycher/anti-armor (forget their name...  I see it as recovering Eldar DNA) before getting destroyed by a swarm of Stealers...  They were "OK", but did what had to be done to win the game.  Drawing the uber CC element which also happened to be a Troop section away from one of my weakly held objectives kept it from being a draw.  There was no way his swarms would have made the trek across the large kill zone in the center of the table to contest/dislodge my fire base over there, so I would have held one to his one.

I do have to get away from setting up a "fire base" like that with so mobile an army as the Eldar...  I had the Dire Avengers, Eldrad, Wave Serpent, Wraith Lord, and a Fire Dragon Squad set up in a corner supported by my Spiders jumping around...  Fire Dragons (Exarch w/ Crack Shot for the all important "oops, I rolled a 1" to wound protection and "no cover save for you") did almost nothing as most of them died to the Genestealer Brood Lord, but the Exarch and one survived breaking from HtH to shoot him in the face and take the remaining wound away wiping the brood off the table as they fled...  Spiders survived a round of HtH against a strung out swarm of Gaunts to break away and allow the fire base to open up...  Really only did so well because I seized init...  I didn't realize just how fast the Gaunts really can run in a turn.  And I need to bring more "Troops" to hold objectives...

All in all, the Eldar did well enough...  Hawks I think stay on the shelf still though.  They might surprise a Mech army with Haywire Grenades, but the fact that they evaporate to the first thing that looks at them...  Real shame, they were among my favorite ancient models to actually play, and these days they are just so bad and overpriced that I feel like I am being silly to even consider fielding them...Reapers and Dragons go back into rotation.  War Walkers will I think be something I keep (didn't use them last night, I KNOW they are good), just need to determine the weapon loadout...  The traditional Bright Lance/Scatter Laser (OK, it was "Las Cannon/Scatter Laser" in the ancient times) might be good against Marine forces, especially if I keep them near Eldrad for a Guide...  Dual Scatter Lasers for the 8 STR 6 shots each though...  That works well against a LOT of things...  Just not Terminators.  Wraith Lord, even the Seer is going to be a harder one to take I think.  Just too much Mech/anti Mech in the local play group.  Just have to decide on what "Troops" to start fielding...  Probably a few min squads of Dire Avengers in Serpents as scoring light tanks...  Maybe an Autarch to play the Reserve game, especially in Kill Point missions...  Things off the table most of the game are less likely to die :-)  Just have to GET to the table at some point...

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