Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fleshtearers, 3rd Company...

Well, picked up a "Storm Raven" conversion in a trade...  So, it's a Vendetta that is put together differently, and it actually doesn't look to bad...  Will need to rebuild it and of course it needs to be painted...  So, I now have a flier available to dogfight should I choose to...  Transport capacity of a full squad plus a Dreadnought... But transporting as a Flier is extremely risky I think, I will have to read over those rules again.  But an Assault Vehicle with an assault squad or Death Company and the DC DN?  Devastating if I can get the assaults off...  And with Jump Packs/Fleet?  Yeah, decent odds I think...  On the other hand, it is a BIG target...  And facing a Necron Flying Circus?  Well, I guess it pulls air superiority duty...

Have to say that I am liking the list I used this week though...  CPT Tycho leading out the Sternguard for a quick first strike, the Scouts deploy and hold objectives I guess...  Might drop the Power Fist on the SGT, I do not think I have used it once this league.  With the rest of my army being HtH and generally charging toward the enemy, the snipers don't get charged often.  And to field the Storm Raven I need to find 200 or so points...  100 from the Aegis line and so 25 from the Fist...  :-) So...  Well, have to get it painted up in time...  We'll see.

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