Thursday, September 20, 2012

Medic of Doom...

Well, finished my Medic conversion...  Base coated, magnetized and looking like a Medic...

I find it amusing and ironic that the Medic has the best armor on the field... Shame he doesn't have a gun, but I can swap out the Power Weapon between Sword, Maul, and maybe Axe...  Sword for now I think, with Tycho ignoring ALL armor saves, that gives the Sternguard a decent HtH punch...  But the Maul for Str 7 on the Charge?  Maybe, I've run it that way once or twice to good effect against Guard, Necrons or DE...  Problem being against Marines? Well, I lose the Power Weapon effect....

Have to admit, the thought of running Allies in the form of Dark Angels is tempting...  CPT Belial and a squad of Deathwing for the HQ/Troop requirement, might make for an amusing defensive line...  But other than that, not sure what the DA would bring me...  Would likely replace my Death Company in terms of "what goes" to pay for it...  Eh, too many random thoughts while exhausted I think, tempted to change the Fleshtearers list a bit, but then I am thinking that might well be a mistake...  OTOH, dropping a Fearless, FnP Terminator unit right next to my Sternguard (Locator Beacon)...  A real Rock unit to park on an objective...  Dunno :-)

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