Monday, November 28, 2016

Back to it and some gaming/hobby stuff...

Great holiday weekend…  Was amazing getting almost completely away from work for so long.  THAT does not happen often for me, at least not without work piling up in my absence.  Down side, with it being Thanksgiving, I ate too much and did not exercise nearly as often as I have been…  So, time to get back on schedule.  Workout #1 for the day in already and feeling it a LOT more than I was 2 weeks ago…  Ah well, recovery times are getting much better and I am given to understand that getting BACK into shape is easier for people who once WERE in shape.  Not likely to ever get back to my pre “Ft Benning School for Belligerent Boys” shape and weight of ~210 lbs.  Which was ironically “overweight” for my height of 6’2” …  Still, maxxing out the PT test being more or less a requirement at that point was fairly easy given the VERY strict workout regimen that I was on at the time.  NOT up to working out and running in full armor yet, heck, not even running at this point, but the elliptical is getting easier.  Not subtle, I just set it to high resistance and go for “x” minutes at this point…  Probably not the recommended method, but…

Gaming wise?  WAY too much hitting all at once.  I do NOT want to overdo it with gaming as THAT would annoy my wife, and I’d prefer to avoid this condition…  Escalation tournament for X-Wing AND STAW this weekend, Armada next weekend…  With the Titan League starting back in January.  WRT the Escalation, I suspect that Imperial is the build that will be the eventual winner, but honestly I kind of find them boring to play and play against for the most part.  The “Palp/Ace” builds have evolved somewhat to include a lot of x7 Defenders…  Well, x7 Defenders with or without the Emperor are pretty powerful.  And of course the ancient TIE Swarm, especially in Escalation will be a factor.  But like I said, I find them to be pretty boring.  I COULD easily bring the TIE Defender lists and probably do quite well with them…  Assuming I didn’t just get bored mid-way through the event…  I’ll probably run S&V if I DO play in it.  The Lancer Class as the big base, likely something like N’Dru in his Z-95, Fenn Rau in his Protectorate Starfighter and fill out the rest with Y-Wings…  So, just “fun” stuff with no intention of actually winning the event.  Surprisingly I seem to do fairly well like that, and since this is just supposed to be a relaxing “hobby” thing for me, perhaps for the best.

Need to get some paint on some of the fighters though…  And maybe some practice rounds in…  But I REALLY like being able to show up with fully painted (alternate scheme) models…  Just looks better on the table for me.  NOT a thing here like the old “3 color minimum” thing with 40K in the old days where I’d simply slap some paint to get to the minimum standard in order to get into the events…  My ancient Fleshtearers in 3rd Edition were my “competitive” army back then…  WAY overpowered and probably nowhere nearly so much fun, but won me a lot of events…  And why I quit playing back then.  But in any case, time to get back to the “hobby” aspect I guess as I continue to slowly clear out the debris in the basement of doom…  Need to get the Armada MC-80 painted and some fighter stands…  Got the Fighters base coated at least I think…  Need to finalize my list of course, but I should be able to field my “Crimson and Greys” completely painted by next weekend.

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