Friday, July 6, 2012

Support weapons... Maybe?

So, now they are T 7, 2 wound "creatures" rather than the weakest possible vehicle...  Hmmm...  And the D-Cannons I have from back in the RT days...  Seems like it might be a good way to throw down some "I don't care" class shooting...  Blast, so no AA fire...  That will continue to be a problem for the Eldar I think.  But in any case for 100 points I can have a unit of 2 D Cannons behind my Ghost Warriors (Wraith Guard, but better than half of the unit IS made up of ancient Ghost Warriors)...  I think they will be my AAA should any get close enough.  Guide will be used here and on my War Walkers since I'm looking for 6's...  I like the Wraithcannon here just because 2/3 of the time it rips away a Hull point, and 1/3 have a decent chance to just kill the flier...  Scatter Lasers, just the sheer weight of shooting.  I'll see how much Str 6 shooting I can bring out...

Vibro Cannons....  Hmmm, since they auto hit and auto glance, barring FAQ, seems like they will just hit, same for Blood Lance and other powers like that....  Can you tell I am trying hard trying to figure out a way to deal with the fliers, especially the dual Storm Raven and multiple Vendetta/Valkyrie lists?  Just not 100% sure I can do it with what I have and the rules as I understand them at this point...

Getting a feel for the new rules, but there are some that just kind of make my head hurt.  No more than 50% Reserves, but Fliers do not count against this?  Well, mostly lacking fliers, I don't get anything there...  Sucks for several of my armies though, making them mostly unplayable.  At least in the form I am used to them being played at least.  We'll see, but I am guessing it will not work out well.

The other big one is no assault out of reserves.  Now this just makes certain things like my Wolf Scouts and Scorpions almost completely useless...  Wolf Scouts can jump out, maybe be shot by Interceptors or other odd rules, get their one shot off, then stand there and get shot off the board.  Scorpions are WAY worse off...  Pistols, and "Oh, look, we're here to die"...  So, completely useless.  Really disappointing for me as they were always some of my favorite units, now unplayable in the Scorpions case, Wolf Scouts are far worse off than they were as just suicide shooters...  So, maybe there will be a change via FAQ or new book for the Eldar...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

One Fu@king Grenade?

You can now throw grenades in 40K...  But only one/unit?  Ouch, my head hurts...  With an 8" range, I guess I'm having a hard time believing that it would be broken, but what would I know :-)...  So much for my Swooping Hawks actually being useful as vehicle hunters...  Now, in close combat, they will wreck just about any vehicle I think just due to the number of glances they can produce at I5...  Guessing they will be my backfield defense for both turns they live...  Though I have to wonder if they will live, but the Wraithguard block out there should draw a lot of fire...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

First 6th ed game in, moving on...

Well, got in my first game...  Played a Drop BA force against a REALLY well organized GK force...  In the words of CPL Hicks "We Came, We Saw, We got our Asses Kicked"...  Did not catch the only 50% can be reserved part...  So, my DoA army is really DOA.  Used to be I'd just deploy Scouts with a beacon, Drop Pods with beacons and let the rest drop in...  Now, I cannot do this at all.  So, my army was pretty sub par to start.  Fliers are obnoxious if you do not have them yourself, or some good AAA to knock them down...  My Fleshtearers do not.  Faced off against 2 heavy fliers like that, you NEED something to take them down, throwing a few random shots looking for a series of 6's is simply not going to stop them in time.  Not with them able to "zoom" around 18"-36", firing 4 weapons at full BS (5 with PotMS), knowing they are in general only hit on 6's in return...  Pretty safe all around for them at least.

So, a bit disappointing for my first run through...  But not THAT bad.  Lots of little things that we no doubt did wrong, and that will get worked out over time...  Seems pretty decent all around, with just a few annoyances.

Moving to Eldar for next week...  Simpler I think and with the new way to kill vehicles being glance them a lot, Eldar are set as the kings of Str 6 shooting I think...  The old Warp Spiders who were pretty "bad" in 5th will I think be decent, for now at least...  Gone is the "AP - penalty", and since most vehicles now die to 3 glances...  Well, if you are looking for the "I killed the vehicle" for the result, this will work I think.  Guiding a big unit might even serve as field expedient AA...  Though a guided squadron of War Walkers is looking pretty good right now...  25% cover to get a cover save, immobile no longer kills members, 24 shots at Str 6/turn?  Um, can I put then near Eldrad and Guide them?  Straight averages say I should get 18 Str 6 hits/turn at ground targets...  Might even get 6-7 hits when playing AAA shooting at fliers...  Still not good against an AV 12 flyer really, but might be the best I have for a while.

WRT psychics, I think keeping Eldrad will be the way to go.  3 powers/turn, I have access to them all...  Not sure if there is still a restriction about one shooting psy power/turn...  Might be amusing if not with Mind War sniping targets...  But in any case, Pathfinders are going to be weird with their rifles getting AP 1 for 5+ to hit and AP 2 for 6 to wound...  Oh, and on the 6 to hit they choose their target for the AP 1 shot...  So, foot armies might be in trouble...  "Look Out Sir" rolls for characters giving a 4+ save I guess if I snipe characters, but heavy weapons, etc.?  Yeah, that will be harder...  I also kind of wonder if Haywire grenades are one of the "can be thrown" types (Edit, YES, they are one that can be thrown)...  My ancient Hawks might be able to hit the field if they can just drop in, throw a few grenades and virtually guarantee destroying a Land Raider or the like...  Then hopefully leap away :-)...  Who knows, they might work until people realize what I am doing with them...  And if I am reading the FAQ correctly, the Warlock "honor guard" is a separate unit, so I could get them too...  So maybe jet biking or maybe just walking...

Dunno, but pretty sure it's Eldar next week as I can fit them more easily into my bike's luggage :-)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

First 6th ed game tomorrow....

Not entirely sure what 'm bringing...  Probably NOT my Wolves or Eldar yet...  So DA or Fleshtearers (BA)...  Guessing that jump troopers or Terminators...  Now that Terminators are not as vulnerable to Power Weapons, having my Deathwing might be REALLY powerful.  And the FnP from the Medic on the Command squad gets better...

So, Fleshtearers as a Drop force....

Librarian (Jump Pack)
Death Company (9 DC, 2 w PF/Bolter, Lemartes, Jump Packs)
DC DN (Claws of Eternal CC?  Maybe)
  Drop Pod w/Beacon
Vanguard Vets (Jump Packs, 2 PF, 3 PW)
Scout Squad (10, 9 Snipers, 1 ML, SGT w/ PF)
Sangunary Priest (Jump Pack)
DN (Rifleman)
  Drop Pod w/Beacon

Not too coherent, but might be fun...

Still wrapping my head around a lot of the rules and changes, so keeping it simple.  I think I will be heading to Wolves/Eldar...  I think the Eldar will be pretty interesting...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So, 6th is almost here...

One of the best summaries I've found is here:

So far it is looking like a lot of my armies are set to get better in many ways...  For instance my Fleshtearers I have played as a Jump heavy "Berserker" force with Death Company.  Rage is now +2 attacks on the charge, Jump troopers now have the same 2d6 everyone else does for Assaults, so a huge potential threat range...   Both Eldar and Marine snipers get better, but Pathfinders are going to be insane.  The "To Hit" roll of a 6 means the sniper shoots the target of his or her choice, and the Pathfinder will be hitting at AP 1...

And that segues into my main concern.  I do think that there will be some potential issues with some of the codexes, especially the 4th edition ones.  Now, a bunch of major FAQ/Online PDF's changes could very easily mitigate this and make is a non issue.  But there are a few things that because they were written for a VERY different system that might cause problems in the current one.  Specifically the Eldar Runes/Ghost Helms and Long Rifles are the ones that I immediately thought of.  The giant "Screw You Enemy Wizard...  I mean 'Psycher'" that the runes of defense causing the 3d6 rolls for all Psy powers is going to remain really powerful, until the rules change through FAQ or a new codex.  The rules for the Rangers/Pathfinders and their interaction with the new "Sniper" rules might make it a bit overpowered in the near term...

I think my other major point of concern is the Allies stuff, combined with the potential 2nd FOC at 2000 points.  Now, I'm not going to say much about allies because I have not seen the actual rules and restrictions as of now...  My hope is that it will be "neat" but not brokenly over powered...  My fear is that it will become a crutch to make even more silly broken combos.  The FOC thing is going to be a concern for big games more, unless of course the "standard game" goes to 2000+ points...  The first major thing might be something like the GK book with the potential for lots of the cheap HQ options and IC's...  Not worried...  Yet :-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

New book incoming...

Well, pre-ordered the Warhammer 40K 6th edition book from the Gopher...  (20% off for pre-order/pay, so as good as online sites, with added bonus of supporting the store I game in...  Wasn't sure they were doing this, but Bill was quite helpful :-)  Making that last minute sale...  Guessing we'll see what really changes.  Rumors and early info are all looking pretty darn good.  Sounding like we'll be hitting 2000 points for a normal game.  My Eldar might even make a resurgence...

My fun and games with the Squats I think will be tabled for the moment.  If Mantic does the kick starter thing for their Sci Fi game, perhaps I'll kick in for some of the Space Dwarves...  Then I'll make some Airships for fighter-bombers...  May well make some of the "Space 1899" ones for my IG in any case, just too amusing to have the Praetorians on those things...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

More Squat (Ork) madness...

So, not at all sure that I will be able to bring a second "Battlewagon"...  I DO have the second MK I Land Raider (Spartan) dusted off, and since it looks like I'll be trucking it in rather than riding the old Silverwing I'll certainly HAVE the room to do so...  So, maybe...

Warlord (War Boss) w/Mega Armor, Cybork, Attack Squig...  So, the ancient Exo Armor..
Exo Armor suits (5 Meganobz, Troops)
  Battlewagon (Roller, red, armor, claw, plank and riggers, 1 big shooter)

Engineer (Mek, force field)
DN (Deff Dread 2 rocket launchers, Troops)

The Boys (Boyz, 30 w/ 3 RL's one on Nob w/ PF)
Thunderers (Lootas, 12)
RT DN's (3 Killa Kans, RL's/DN CCW)
War Bikers 5, 1 Nob w/ PF)
Thunderers (Tankbustas, 5)

So, a moving "blob" kind of...  The boys will envelop the tank bustas and protect the flanks of the Battlewagon.  The Kans and DN will move with them to take advantage of the force field.  The Thunderers will occupy terrain and stand still shooting...  Maybe this time they will even get some shots in the first 3 turns...  Bikes probably reserve or run a flank as light Cav...  So, subtle :-)

The other option is a second Battlewagon, drop the Boys to 20 to let them ride...  Give up the Tankbustas, and that's about it...  Thinking the tankbustas are going to be pretty worthless, so could swap burnas in maybe for the same point cost...  Flame Throwers or Rockets at BS 2...  So, 3 options I guess...  The 2 Battlewagons with the DNs escorting could be a REALLY devastating thing to the locals who are not used to AV 14 transports...

Dunno, but it is amusing seeing the horde of Space Dwarves and RT era DNs hitting the table...