So, played in the Titan Games League, month 2… I played my KAT70 list, and it did quite well…
KAT70 (100)
Poe Dameron — T-70 X-Wing 31
Predator 3
R5-P9 3
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total 39
Miranda Doni — K-Wing 29
Twin Laser Turret 6
Ship Total 35
Jake Farrell — A-Wing 24
Lone Wolf 2
Chardaan Refit -2
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total 26
Wound up in the top 4, so played a fourth game after the
main tournament. First two games I
cleared the board, third game was against Tyler… He flew Darth Vader loaded out and 3 TIE
Advanced with Accuracy Correctors… Well,
different result J… I DID get one kill the first game before time
expired… Jake was still alive… With a single Hull left and flying as fast as
an A-Wing could go… So, slightly faster
than a TIE Advanced…. He would have run
me to ground if he had a few more turns, but…
Wound up playing the same thing again in the top four… Went about as well… But won a Kihraxz Fighter, so I have a pair
of them now… Need a second Cluster Missile for the build I am planning next
time… Not sure it would do better, but
there is a MUCH better chance of doing well against the things I have had
difficulty against thus far. But have a few weeks I think before I play that one I think...
The builds themselves were fairly interesting. Tyler’s build was clearly the strongest, and
being flown by one of the best players in the world… Like I said, I was happy that he at least
knew he was in a fight against my build J… But, saw a few Dash builds either supported
by Z-95’s or other small base fighters…
Only one sort of “Swarm” build with the TIE/FOs, I think 5-6 of them mixed
in with at least one older TIE, likely Howlrunner… Not sure, I did not actually face it. Would have been a hard fight, but pretty sure
my Rebel Regenerators would have been able to handle it. Not enough to completely overwhelm me, I am
fairly sure the 7-8 TIEs are needed for that.
NO 4 Y’s with TLT either. A LOT
of us built specifically to deal with that as that was the strongest new build
last Month… One “Brobots” build at least
with paired IG-88’s, but it lost big against Tyler. Still a VERY strong build though. Saw a fair number of “fun” builds as people
are getting used to the new stuff from Wave 7 and the new box set. Han was still out and about, but with the
scoring change I know at least people were aware that half dead is half points
for those big based (and point cost) ships and saw a LOT more smaller ships
Not nearly so intense as last league, seems the split with
Springfield cut the attendance from 20+ to 14 this week and while the level of
play was quite high, I did NOT get the same feeling of high stress/intensity
that seemed prevalent last time. Could
be just a few folks not being there or what I am hoping is a shift in the “feel”
of the game there… I had 4 EXTREMELY pleasant
games yesterday, albeit 2 against the same opponent of course, but like I said
overall the most fun I have had at least on the higher tables there… I tended to play on the “middle” tables a lot
more where the folks were playing for fun more or less and not really in
competition for “the big prizes”. I’d
like to think I am a good opponent to lay against, and try to be as low
pressure and helpful as possible of course…
But since my build and one of the other top 4 builds were pretty similar
guess I’ve figured out some of the better builds in the system as it stands
Have to say, continuing to really like the X-Wing stuff… They (FFG) steer away from stupidly
overpowered stuff, do not release stuff very quickly at all compared to say,
WizKids and they are not at all afraid to reel back some things that may have
become overpowered… So, I almost never
feel completely outclassed at this point…
Mind, there are a fair number of ships that simply do not fit my play
style, so I’ll not use them, but…
Armada starts next
week and I have my 2 basic builds set now…
Not really a clue how they’ll actually do, but it should be fun…