Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Silly GK list for local tournament...

Never actually played this, but...

Grand Master Mordrak and 5 Ghost Knights(425)
Librarian w/Warp Rift, Sanctuary, Might of Titan (165)
Purifier Squad 4 Psycannon, Halberds, Rhino (335)
Terminator Squad, Psycannon (225)
Strike Squad, Psycannon, Razorback w/ TLLC (190)
2 Dreadnoughst, 2 x TLAC and uber ammo (135 x 2)
Dreadknight, Teleporter and heavy flamer (235)

Gives me a Grand Master for silliness...  Strike Squad could easily be swapped for another Terminator squad (I REALLY like Terminator armor...) as I do not really think the SS does much of anything the way I'd play it.  Mordrak's unit with the Librarian can deep strike on turn one without deviation for a REALLY aggressive backfield strike (Vortex of Doom perhaps?)...  The DN's and Dreadknight advance with the Terminator squad if they need to...  Silly list, but it might work out fairly well...  Or at least I can transport it easily on the bike :-)


  1. Thawn is gold in Terminator squads. of course, you'd have to squeeze 75pts from somewhere.

    I find him useful for the 2 psychic powers, and for simply annoying the crap out of my opponents. He gives SandWyrm fits. Because he's something SandWyrm can't plan to kill and stay killed. plus, he's scoring after resurrecting himself.

    I do recommend if you've got a spare termie arm, take a base, put a headstone on it, with some coffeegrounds for fresh earth, and put the zombieThawn terminator arm poking up through the ground.

    because you're supposed to mark where he went down... right?

  2. Ja, I was REALLY wanting to add him in... Just the fact that he can become another Troops unit after getting killed and that he can always just come back makes his really annoying... Or so I assume for the other guy :-), me I've pretty much always used the maxxed out Termi squad with him in... Thinking that the Razorback goes, he shows up...

    Side note, if the squad to which he is assigned gets the +1 Str ammo, does he? Specifically, if/when he dies and comes back? Normally special characters do not get upgrades, or at least that was the "policy" in the ancient times, but these days does not seem to be the case... Str 5 Storm Bolter isn't game breaking certainly, but is IS amusing...
