Wednesday, April 12, 2017

More X-Wing testing for the League... Aces away this time...

So, testing of the next iteration continues here…  Tried the Aggressor/Lancer build and it failed massively against Tony’s excellent “Damage Overload” build.  No good way for me to avoid a Joust and the Cluster Missiles fired from the YV-666 are REALLY quite deadly.  Oh, and they can get them back via the Salvage Crane.  So, what was a single shot can potentially be “more” (Taleni Pahulu’s joke about numbers in his tribe).  It would seem that the mid-range PS numbers on decent Large Base hulls build is OK, but not really all that good I think.  I keep being drawn to actual Aces.  I am a fairly decent player and so I think I can do a decent job with the actual flying part.  Fragile and risky, but aggressive…  At least the S&V versions, so it fits my style a lot more.

FennCobraNDru (100)
Fenn Rau — Protectorate Starfighter
Attanni Mindlink
Proton Torpedoes
Concord Dawn Protector
Ship Total: 36

N'Dru Suhlak — Z-95 Headhunter
Attanni Mindlink
Cluster Missiles
Scavenger Crane
Guidance Chips
Ship Total: 24

Talonbane Cobra — Kihraxz Fighter
Attanni Mindlink
Homing Missiles
Cloaking Device
Engine Upgrade
Ship Total: 40

PS 9 for Fenn and Cobra while N’Dru has a “mere” 7.  Mindlink for efficiency on the Focus, and an Ordinance based initial strike is possible.  Depends on what I face really, but the potential for my ships to stand off at Range 3 (2 for the Z-95) and throw 4 x 4 Dice attacks with good modification?  And then rush in to finish things with potentially fully modified 5 Dice Attacks from the Aces while N’Dru hopefully lives to provide Focus.  Oh, and he CAN get his Missiles back.  “Meh” option I think, but if it goes off, the one shot wonder becomes a persistent threat.  At the end of the day, it is a cheap ship, so no big loss.  All three ships are legitimate threats, so nothing really to be ignored I think.  Just need to practice flying it.  The Kihraxz NEEDS something to boost it via the upcoming (hopefully) S&V Aces pack, but it is still a surprising little ship.  Might swap for another Protectorate in Old Teroch since that Fighter is simply so much better, and the -2 PS is offset I think…  But I REALLY like the Kihraxz, so…

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