Monday, May 5, 2014

Star Trek Attack Wing... Thollian Web mental exercise...

So, looking at the “deck building” exercise for the Star Trek Attack Wing event Sunday.  Unfortunate that it is also Mother’s Day, so like the Easter event…  Well J…  Fun building a fleet at least. 

Looking at the scenario, I see 2 realistic possibilities:  Either a quick win or die joust or a long drawn out spiral as the web closes on the play area and the more maneuverable fleet with things like Cloaked Mines and the like seem like they’ll do well.  So, if I chose the first I would run a Klingon fleet of 2-3 ships and just do the berserker rush and hope for the best.  Too many things these days can avoid or survive that for a turn or two, so I think that something else will be the way to go.  My Federation fleet has some good survivability and if I build it right I can fire Torpedoes every turn for a fair amount of damage as things close in around us…  Maneuver and survive long enough to kill them or just kill more of them as time expires on the round.  Feds ARE pretty good at surviving, and while they are not quite up to Klingon levels of damage dealing…  Well, built right I think they can throw out enough damage to wear out others. 

Since we’re playing semi faction pure with the ships having to be faction pure rather than a whole fleet I think that is another advantage for the Feds.  Having 2 Skill 9 Captains I can almost guarantee moving last and shooting first every turn.  The Borg get less scary when I look at them not being able to run Jean Luc Picard for his free actions and Skill 9.  Still pretty darn powerful and because they maneuver on a very different “dial”, not really all that sure how to counter that other than hit them hard and often.  Ships I am looking at are:

USS Voyager:  360 fire arc for the primary weapon if I need it, powerful shields, fast…  Quantum Torpedoes have the potential for 7 dice.  Good solid ship.  Concerns me that it would be a really good second ship or something other than a Torpedo boat…

USS Excelsior:  Torpedo boat.  The big dice attack every turn.  Lojour, Torpedo, Tuvok, Spock, Picard and the Doctor hologram all combine nicely allowing for a Scan, Target Lock and the Doctor clearing all of the other disabled crew cards to keep up the rate of fire.  180 degree front arc, 90 degree rear arc gives me almost 360 degree coverage…  Still over 50 points for a ship that is good, but…  OTOH, with Montgomery Scott I can have 8 dice for a potential 9 hit attack…  No re-rolls or Battlestations  without that action somehow, but still that many dice should generate a hefty hit…  Could assign Spock over there with Flagship…

USS Defiant:  Secondary ship, maneuverable, can have a cloaking device, the Antimatter mines are brutal up close as they are an attack…  Still, it is a fairly small ship for the 45 or so points I’d need to kit it out to fight fairly defensively…

Federation Fighters vs. Flagship:  As I can have only the one Resource…  Flagship is 10 points to give 3 +1’s to stats and probably a free action along with some bonus from the text on the card in terms of an action.  The Fighters are tough as they cannot ever really take more than a single Damage from any attack.  Fed fighters have Shields and potential Evade tokens, so they’ll need to be hit for at least 3 to have a good chance of taking that Damage point…  Likely more…  Not too fast, but maneuverable and can throw out a lot of damage, so liking the Fighters at 20 points…

USS Reliant/Miranda Class:  Cheap Torpedo boat, can throw out a decent amount of damage in close if it comes to that.  Maneuverable and not bad for the price…  That however is the issue…  Even the named ship has only 3 Shields and 3 Hull, so one strong attack could potentially take out the 20-30 point ship putting the opponent ahead in a timed event…  Thinking that the swarm mentality will NOT work here as the smaller builds can kill enough to get ahead on points and run out the clock as it were...

Might see if I can either fit in the Excelsior as the Torpedo Boat, Voyager as the backup and either Fighters or Flagship and REALLY equip the ships well…  Hope for the best without an “oops I lose” dice roll…  Neat mental exercise at least…

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