Monday, May 18, 2015

Gen Con plans, GI reflections and Motorcycle fun...

So, apparently I was late signing up for the Gen Con X-wing stuff, I thought they were doing Thursday AND Friday qualifiers for a Saturday final, so was going to get in on Friday…  Nope, Thursday qualifiers and with us travelling on Thursday not going to try to get on the wait list.  Signed up for an early morning tournament last year and travelling with the family is…  Well, a LOT different than by myself or with a few other Ex-GI buddies able to realistically get up and on the road at “oh dark”.  But going there with the family is a LOT more fun in so many other ways, so NOT a bad thing in any way…  Just have to recognize the limits beforehand and avoid the stress of trying to travel quickly and keep a schedule with a bunch of people who have NO interest in being ON a schedule J…  So, guessing I’ll be playing STAW…  I suppose my Dwarves could come out and play for Warmachine, but thinking I’d get stomped pretty hard there playing a “thematic” force like Dwarves rather than a “We’re just here to kill shit” force…

Got me thinking a bit…  Guessing a lot of people think I’m a bit strange with the way I interact with others.  I do not in general make friends easily or get too close to  people. Over the years, starting mostly around the time I joined the Army, I wound up losing a lot of my friends.  We did not lose anyone on either of my “combat deployments”, but not long after that we started.  Honestly, given what we did then and after I am more than a little surprised ANY of us survived.  In any case, kind of a defense mechanism I guess, keeping people at a bit of a distance because they were likely to die in a bit anyway, so no real point getting to know them.  Am told it comes across as arrogance at times.  And that was pretty much where I was when I got out, so not a real stretch J…  There was also the whole CID infiltrating our units when I was in Germany that tended to breed a real distrust between the old timers and the new guys.  Was NOT effective finding drugs or whatever they were looking for, but it was VERY effective at destroying unit morale in any unit getting replacements.  When a guy shows up with pressed and starched uniforms, highly polished boots, combat patches and claims to have been an Engineer or Grunt for years…  Without ever getting dirty?  No.  Little things that just stick out to someone who has been doing this for a while…  Was another reason we really did not need to NOT get close to anyone else.  “I’ve got all the friends I need” J…  Might have been something I’d heard working with folks on the other side of the war against crime… 

Oh, and this happened last week:

Glad I was heading home at an odd time, wearing the helmet/leather jacket/gloves and have my reflexes still…  Caught the piece as it broke free in the cross wind.  35 year old Plexiglas and a strong wind…  Well, the Wind won looks like J…  Took the rest of the shield off and looking for a replacement now…  Just does not feel right riding without the big shield to hide behind, so I guess I've gotten soft in my old age J

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