Friday, October 18, 2019

Springfield Finals and this weekend's X-Wing event...

So, played in the Hyperspace in Springfield…  Day one was in the previous post and so I made the cut for Day 2…  Got paired up against an excellent player out of the Chicago area, he did the video editing for Gold Squadron’s YouTube streams, so he recognized my name J  He had Fenn, Fett and Sevor in his list.  Fairly even match, but I played more aggressively and was able to dodge the TIE’s Arc and drop a Proximity Mine on it to kill him the following turn before he could Activate.  His other ships took a bit longer, but IIRC the Snap Shot was brutal again and I found myself wishing I had the Ion Cannon in place of the Auto-Blaster here…  With Krassis and his ability to re-roll and fire out of both Arcs it is the better choice overall I think.  I wound up getting the win decisively, though I think he halved Krassis…  I think, nothing was posted and I was mostly just shocked to be there and making it to top 8…  So, won the Range Ruler and Dice for making Day 2 and Top 4 secured the Templates…  Neat, but I do prefer my Curled Paw ones honestly…  Green and with the Jedi symbol on it, so definitely mine…

Top 4 game was against Patrick out of Peoria (I think?  We play a LOT in these semi local events, fun opponent and great player)…  He had Vader and 3 Inquisitors with Foresight….  ROUGH list.  Sadly, Krassis died to a critical cascade with Hull Breach and direct hits piling in a LOT of damage.  I was counting on even if it went badly I would have had him one more round to finish off Vader and likely another Inquisitor…  Even with that, I ALMOST caught him, it came down to the Range 3 shot into Vader who was without mods to get him to half and me the win…  No J… The 3 Agility did not betray him or they betrayed me, depending on your perspective I suppose…

So, on to the event this weekend…  Extended so I will change my list a little:

Boba Krassis (200)
Boba Fett — Firespray-class Patrol Craft
Lone Wolf
Proximity Mines
Stealth Device
Slave I
Ship Total: 116
Half Points: 58 Threshold: 5

Krassis Trelix — Firespray-class Patrol Craft
Snap Shot
Ion Cannon
Ship Total: 84
Half Points: 42 Threshold: 5

No major changes, Ion in place of the Auto Blaster and IG-88D as the Crew there for the double Calculate action.  Snap is solid here…  Only minor debate is swapping the Stealth Device off of Boba to put Proximity Mines on Krassis perhaps…  Maybe, but when my luck holds with the Stealth, that ship is just immune to Damage for far longer than most people are prepared for…  Still, a fun list and nothing that should cause people to rage quit I hope… 

The Nantex OTOH….  Watching the Worlds streaming and seeing a LOT of them.  And a LOT of CIS swarms.  Both absolutely solid things and for the MOST part my Firesprays do well against them.  Just outright ignoring the Tractor silliness…

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