Monday, October 27, 2014

Seaforge marching, STAW restarting perhaps and 30/40K stuff in the distance...

So...  Looks like I have my Sea Forge force force assembled...  Well, en route or here in various stages of painting/assembly.  Now I just need to get in some more games with the lads.  Next actual league starts up In a few weeks.  The Journeyman League was good for me getting back into the game.  Learning the ins and outs of several armies, losing close to half of my games, but in general having fun.  One or two games were not, but in one case it was the limits of my Journeyman force.  All shooting vs immune to shooting will always end badly for my shooters...  The other standout bad game was just a bad match and my unfamiliarity with Hordes combined with an army built in a more "power gamer" fashion.  Fun force vs hard competitive will almost always be a bad one for the fun force. 

So, have to pick up some more light Jack frames for the Dwarves...  Got a few heavy frames inbound with some more Confrontation outbound...  Have the ability to run a Heavy Warbeast in Sea Forge, and it should be interesting...  A little light on Infantry, but I should be able to field a good force...

On to STAW...  One last event Wednesday for the Collective series...  I am actually in the lead for that one and with one of the other players dropping out think that as long as I get in my three games I will win the overall event.  So, a Galaxy Class ship, pretty good.  I already have the Stargazer, so will get that to someone else.  I have to say I dislike the rules for this event, but will give it a shot.   Probably play my Enterprise E force, or perhaps something Dominion or even Romulan...  Just have to survive longer than the opponent :-)...  Ideally kill the Borg, but...

WizKids has released some suggested rules updates for the tournaments the link is here: ...  Essentially, 50 points max for ships, 3 ship minimum, etc...  So essentially the recent move to Borg win everything with repeatable attack immunity has finally been noticed and looks like there is actually a move to correct this.  Guess we will see if it is too little too late.  I hope not, good game but as long as some legal (currently) forces still exist, it will be problematic.  We went to "ship pure" or "faction pure" locally and it does kind of negate some of the silly combos but there are simply some Factions like the Federation and Borg that are better than the rest in that format.  Point caps and forcing larger numbers of ships will if nothing else at least make a FAR greater number of the Factions/Ships actually playable.  They are concluding their first Regional events and it has been EXTREMELY disappointing for a lot of us looking at the same builds being the only ones that do well.  Totally legal, so no complaints on the gamers actually playing what is almost a no brainer winning force.  I do not mean "no brainer" in that it wins in the deck building phase, or that it does NOT take skill to win it, just that NOT taking these sorts of forces just reach out and smack you upside the head with how silly you are being by NOT using them.  Or watching players get tabled with ease by experts using the uber lists...  After looking over the restrictions in place and thinking of what would actually win given those limits...  Well, any desire I had to go and play in that environment quickly fled.  Shame, I think it would have been fun, but still remember some of the competitive CCGs I played in back in the ancient times and how many times I very nearly lost my temper there...  Best perhaps not to risk it.

Kind of where I am with 40K...  Reading over some of the excellent 30K stuff and frankly looking at my Wolves (VI Legion) force.  Yes, I CAN build a tailored "Eldar Killer" force to deal with the current top tier list.  But then it is pretty boring to play even against the Eldar it is built to kill.  With the 30K Land Raiders and Spartan hulls getting immunity to Melta (for a price), I CAN simply mount up and drive into them with the Twin Linked Las Cannons blazing away and splashing Wave Serpents left and right.  Once they are dismounted, then the Storm Bolters can open up and kill their Infantry pretty easily.  Wraith Lords lack Inv saves, so the sheer number of Las Cannon I field is a problem.  The Wraith Knight is an issue, but being completely immune to Str 6-7 I really CAN simply take a turn or two and fire everything into the Knight to kill it.  Kind of the :

"Bring me EVERYONE" response.  Having only faced one with this particular army, have to say that after two turns of 8 x TLLC fire (plus a few random Meltas/missiles), it simply evaporated.  I do not think that was an anomalous result.  And at the end of the day I have a bunch of Terminators on the field.  Troops, yes, but no "Objective Secured" with the changeover from Sixth to Seventh not being complete for the 30K world...  So, a skilled player would be able to bog me down and grind my force into dust...  Or at the VERY least prevent me from contesting objectives for the easy win...  So, slowly painting the lads and we'll seen them again in a long while I suspect.  Shame, the Cataphract Class Terminator armor is REALLY quite nice...

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