Wednesday, May 2, 2018

X-Wing Version 2 announced...

Well, started a longish post about the current state of the Meta and why I thought FFG needed to do a major FAQ…  Well, they went further than that and “X-Wing 2nd Edition” was announced yesterday…  I fall into the “cautiously optimistic” range on it I think.  The biggest downside will be the new Core Set and the Faction Upgrade packs.  The Core Set changes the templates slightly with the line in the center, so Barrel Rolls changed slightly with the Action requiring you to place it to the Front, Rear or Center of the Base.  Dice and Damage deck is supposed to be the same, but will not chance it I think.  The other thing is the Faction Packs… $50 each and as I play all three current factions…  Well, Rebel and S&V will be where I go initially at least.  So, I’m in for the $130 or so… 

An excellent roundup here:

The biggest complaint so far has been that for players, it will be a $200+ buy in to even keep playing.  Probably true.  One of the local plays all three Factions and his two sons also play, so he is looking at a LOT potentially to drop just to keep current.  I understand and it does suck…  On the other hand, I came from the 40K world where they did version changes every few years and it was: $50 for the rulebook, $20 (in the old days) – 40 for EVERY army book, then add on the “spell” decks, etc…  And hope your Army did not get the “Squat” treatment and just get dropped altogether or just have major chunks become suddenly useless for the current edition…  I played a LOT of armies back then, so this was a MAJOR expense for me, especially when money was a lot tighter.

Watched a fair bit on FFG’s Twitch stream and most of what I saw looks quite good overall.  No more unlimited free Regeneration, NO TLT!!!  You can only Evade up to your Agility, no longer going to have a Falcon with 1 Agility somehow evade 4 Hits from a Harpoon…  No mixing of Rebel and Resistance or Imperial and First Order, so most of the “uber lists” are simply gone as of the v2 implementation. 

Hopefully the local Stores will be able to get the promo Damage Deck for the pre-order of the new Core Set, they do look quite nice…  And I am ESPECIALLY glad I did not break down and buy one of the Vader or Boba Fett Damage Decks that people have been selling recently…  I DO have to wonder how widely known this change really was…  I suspect some knew of it, there was some talk of certain players in the online league refusing to schedule matches because they knew it was all changing soon…  Not perhaps as soon as they thought, still a few months off…

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